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John Duncan, Emeritus Professor of Korean History, UCLA

Scholar Profile

I received my Ph.D. in Korean History from the University of Washington in 1988 and have taught in the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures at UCLA since 1989. I have supervised sixteen Ph.Ds at UCLA; my former students are now teaching at various universities in the U.S. and Korea, including UC San Diego, Columbia, Binghamton, Virginia, Sogang, Korea, and Youngsan universities.

My primary research interests are in the late Koryo and early Choson period, although I have also done some work on the Open Ports Period of 1876-1910. My first book, The Origins of the Choson Dynasty (University of Washington Press, 2000) examines the change of dynasties from Koryo to Choson.  I have edited or co-edited a number of publications, including Rethinking Confucianism:  Past and Present in China, Japan, Korea, and VietnamReform and Modernization in the Taehan Empire  and The Institutional Basis of Civil Governance in the Choson Dynasty.  I also have a number of translations, including several items in the Sourcebook of Korean Tradition, two monographs:  Kang Man-gil, A Revised History of Contemporary Korea and Kim Jungbae et al., ANew History of Parhae, and a half dozen scholarly articles.


Duncan, John. 1989. “The Social Background to the Founding of the Chosŏn Dynasty: Change or Continuity?” Korean Studies 6.
———. 1993. “The Korean-American Community and the Independence Movement.” In Han’guk tongnip undongsa ŭi chae chomyŏng: haeoe hangil minjok tongnip undong ŭi saeroun insik 한국독립운동사 의 재 조명: 해의 항일 민족 독립 운동 의 새로운 인식. Seoul: Han’guk tongnip undongsa yŏn’guhoe.
———. 1994. “Confucianism in the Late Koryŏ and Early Chosŏn.” Korean Studies 18.
———. 1995. “Chosŏnjo [sarim] kaenyŏm ŭi chae kŏmt’o” 조선조 “사림” 개념 의 재검토. Nammyŏnghak yŏn’gu nonch’ong 3.
———. 1996. “The Emergence of the Tonghak Religion.” In Sources of Korean Tradition. Vol. 2. New York: Columbia University Press.
———. 1997a. “Confucian Social Values in Contemporary South Korea.” In Religion and Contemporary Korea. Berkeley, CA: Asian Humanities Press.
———. 1997b. “Miguk nae Han’guk chŏn kŭndaesa yŏn’gu tonghyang” 미국내 한국 전근대사 연구 동향. Yŏksa wa hyŏnsil 23 (3).
———. 1998a. “Han’guk t’ongil e kyŏhanŭn Han’gukhak yŏn’gu panghyang” 한국통일에 기여하는 한국학 연구 방향. In Han’guk t’ongil e kiyŏhanŭn Han’gukhak yŏn’gu panghyang 민족 통일을 앞당인은 국학. Seoul: Jimmundang.
———. 1998b. “Proto-Nationalism in Premodern Korea.” In Perspectives on Korea. Sydney: Wild Peony Press.
———. 1998c. “The Formation of the Central Aristocracy in Early Koryŏ.” Korean Studies 12.
———. 1998d. “The Korean Adoption of Neo-Confucianism.” In Confucianism and the Family. Albany: SUNY Press.
———. 2000. “Hyanghwain: Migration and Assimilation in Chosŏn Dynasty Korea.” Acta Koreana 3 (July).
———. 2001. “The Problematic Modernity of Confucianism: The Question of Civil Society in Chosŏn Korea.” In Civil Society in South Korea. New York: Routledge.
———. 2002. “Examinations and Orthodoxy in Chosŏn Dynasty Korea.” In Rethinking Confucianism: Past and Present in China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam. University of California, Los Angeles.
———. 2003a. “Naehun and the Politics of Gender in 15th Century Korea.” In Korean Women in the Humanities. M.E. Sharpe.
———. 2003b. “Sŏyang sahak kwa Han’guk chŏn kŭndaesa” 서양사학과 한국 전근대사. In Han’guksa yŏn’gu pangbŏp ŭi saeroun mosaek 한국사연구 방법 의 새로운 모색. Seoul: Kyŏngin munhwasa.
———. 2004. “Koguryŏ in Koryŏ and Chosŏn Historical Memory.” Journal of Inner and East Asian Studies 1.
———. 2006. “The Confucian Context of Reform.” In Reform and Modernization in the Taehan Empire. Seoul: Jimoondang.
———. 2007a. “Imjin waeran ŭi kiŏk kwa minjok ŭisik ŭi hyŏngsŏng” 임진왜란 의 기억과 민족 의식 의 형성. In Imjin waeran: tong asia samguk chŏnjaeng 임진왜란: 동아시아 삼국 전쟁. Seoul: Humanisŭt’ŭ.
———. 2007b. “Some Reflections on This Special Issue about Koguryŏ’s Foreign Relations.” Journal of Northeast Asian History 4 (1).
———. 2007c. “The Impact of the Hideyoshi Invasions on Ethnic Consciousness in Korea.” Kyūshū daigaku Kankoku kenkyu senta nenpō 九州大学韓国研究センター年報 6.
———. 2009. “Confucianismo:  el sistema tributario y las relaciones sino-coreana.” Translated by Alfredo Romero Castilla. Revista de relaciones internacionales de la UNAM 103 (April).
———. 2010. “An Earlier Age of Globalization: Koryŏ in the Yuan Empire.” In Corea: una vision interdisciplinaria. Santiago, Chile: Catholic University of Chile.
———. 2011. “Maintaining Boundaries: The Military and Civil Branches in the Koryŏ and Early Chosŏn.” Taiwan Journal of East Asian Studies 8 (1).
———. 2013. “Foreword.” In Imperatives of Culture: Selected Essays on Korean History, Culture and Society from the Japanese Colonial Era, edited by Christopher Hanscom, Youngju Ryu, and Walter Lew. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
———. 2015. “Han’guk sa yŏnguja ŭi dillema” 한국사 연구자 의 딜레마. In Tongasia nŭn myŏtsiin’ga 동아시아는 몇시인가, edited by Miyajima Hiroshi and Pae Hangsŏp. Seoul: Nomo Books.
———. 2016a. “Chŏng Tojŏn and the Early Modern East Asian Interstate System.” In Chŏng Tojŏn kwa Tong Asia sin chilsŏ kuch’uk 정도전과 동아시아 신 질서 구축, edited by Pak Honggyu. Seoul: Ponghwa Chŏngssi munhŏn kongjonghoe.
———. 2016b. “Dealing with Empires: A Comparision of Mongol Era Koryŏ and Twentieth Century Colonial Period Intellectuals.” Kyūshū daigaku Kankoku kenyu senta nenpō 九州大学韓国研究センター年報 16.
———. 2016c. “The Taehak Yŏnŭi Chimnyak and the Politics of Confucian Learning in Early Chosŏn Dynasty Korea.” In Lectures et usages de la Grande Étude (Chine, Corée, Japon), edited by Anne Cheng. Paris: College de France.
———. 2016d. “Yu Sŏngnyong kwa Chosŏn chunggi minjok ŭi munje” 유성룡과 조선 중기 민족의 문제. In Sŏae Yu Sŏngnyong ŭi haksul kwa hyŏndae chŏk kyesŭng, edited by Kim Dohyung. Seoul: Hyean.
———. 2017. “Estudios coreanos en Estados Unidos: implicaciones para los académicos latinoamericanos.” Chakana:  Revista International de Estudios Coreanos 1.
———. 2018. “Confucianismo y la sociedad en el este de Asia: el caso de Corea.” Translated by Juan Felipe Lopez Aymes. Chakana:  Revista International de Estudios Coreanos 3.
———. 2019. “Koryŏ wa Chosŏn ŭi pyŏnhwa mit chisoksŏng” 고려 와 조선 의 변화 및 지속성. Edited by Han’guk chungsesahoe, Kyŏnggi munhwa chaedan 한국중세사회, 경기문화재단 and Inch’ŏn munhwa chaedan 인천문화재단. Koryo wangjo wa 21 segi:  K’oria mirae yusan 고려 왕조와 21 세기: 코리아 미래 유산.
———. 2020a. “Literary Miscellany in Korea.” In Encylopédie Des Historiographies: Afrqiues, Amériques, Asis, edited by Nahalie Kouame, Eric P. Meyer, and Annie Vigeur. Paris: Open Edition Books Platform of Presses de l’INALCO.
———. 2020b. “Yongjae Ch’onghwa.” In Encylopédie des historiographies: Afrqiues, Amériques, Asis, edited by Nahalie Kouame, Eric P. Meyer, and Annie Vigeur. Paris: Open Edition Books Platform of Presses de l’INALCO.
———. 2021. “Estudios coreanos en Estados Unidos: implicaciones para los académicos latinoamericanos.” In Cambio de época: La República de Corea y la renovación de sus relaciones con América Latina. Santiago, Chile: Universidad Central.
———. 2023. “The Hideyoshi Invasions: Popular Memories and Ethnic Consciousness.” In Tō Ajia tono taiwa: kokkyō o koeta chi no shūsei 東アジアとの対話: 国境を越えた知の集成. Fukuoka: Shoin tosho shuppan.


John B. Duncan Photograph Source: Creator: Department of Asian Languages and Cultures


John B. Duncan, “John Duncan, Emeritus Professor of Korean History, UCLA,” UCLA Korean History and Culture Digital Museum, accessed January 12, 2025,